Student Membership
Please review all student membership requirements before continuing with the form.
To be accepted at the student membership tier, please send confirmation of your full-time status as a social work student to contactus@sswaa.org. This can be in the form of an unofficial transcript or a screenshot of your courses.
Important Payment Information:
- Credit cards used for payment will be stored on file and used for annual renewals. Payment monitoring is the member's responsibility. It is also the member's responsibility to drop their membership at the end of their annual term (before auto-renewal) if desired.
- SSWAA makes every effort to create options for all financial situations. When selecting installment payments (monthly, quarterly or semiannually), please note a credit card automatic charge will be required to assist with the timely payment of installments.
- All memberships are for one year, regardless of membership type, installation, or one-time payment.
- The use of company credit cards is discouraged. To avoid unauthorized automatic charges, while still having your district pay for membership, select Invoice Me, and email the invoice to your district.
Please consider the use of a personal email to prevent communication barriers due to changes in employment or district blocking @sswaa contacts.
**Memberships purchased are for one year and are non-transferable and non-refundable.